The Bronx Board has recently acquired a few hundred additional class pictures from 1950 through 1970. Be sure to look for yours and order a print to show your loved ones at our Class Picture Gallery.
We've started a collection of random Bronx-related news clippings from the past for you to enjoy. Expect it to grow on a regular basis. Here is the first batch of little clips from News of the Bronx.
Another unsolved mystery has passed through your grasp! It seems no one recognized the area at all, possibly due to the unusual perspective of the photo. MYSTERY PHOTO 219 awaits identification by you geographically savvy ex-Bronxites, who might know the spot but may have trouble with its special contemporary significance.
The Bronx Board is now in its 31st Year online. Thanks for visiting and supporting our Bronx heritage!
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Please keep politics and religion off this board unless it deals with Bronx nostalgia. No exceptions!
Always try to take a moment to visit The Bronx Board's Home Page everytime you visit this site. The Home Page will contain the latest general announcements and provide updated information about all of The Bronx Board's features!
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Message was recently here but now it's gone? Check the Message Content Guidelines. If your message had nothing to do with Bronx nostalgia (i.e. the Bronx of the past), then it didn't belong here...
Messages posted on or before September 21, 2024 have been moved to the archives.