Photo Gallery - Page 5

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This picture was taken in 1958 at Shorehaven Beach Club, a pool in Clason Point many in the East Bronx belonged to (its main competitor was Castle Hill Pool). It shows my mother's daily Mah Jongg game with her friends, set up in the same area everyday by claiming it at opening time. The responsibility varied among 'the girls' (and their kids, like me).

--Charles Fogelman

This was my brother's Shorehaven membership card (his 'pass').

--Charles Fogelman

This was also at the corner of Elder and Watson Avenues in 1948, looking across Watson Avenue past my Aunt Jenie, cousins Amy and Steven, and Brother Roger.

--Charles Fogelman

This is a picture of me, my mom and my cousin Sheila at Castle Hill Pool. Our family had memberships and this was a great place to spend weekends in the summer. This was taken around 1956 or 1957.

--Mike Baskin

This is a photo of JHS 44, located at Prospect Avenue & 176th Street. I graduated from this school in 1944. The building was physically small but rich in content!

--Mike Baskin

Here is a picture of P.S. 67 taken approxmately 1957. The school was located on Mohegan Avenue (almost Southern Boulevard at that point) between 179th Street and 178th Street. Daly Avenue was at the rear of the school. Mr. Petluck was the principal when I graduated.

--Gerry Weintraub

Editor's Note: Lester A., PS 67 Class of 1958, adds: "The east side of the school was actually bordered by Honeywell Avenue, not Daly Avenue. I grew up one block north of the school on the very same street."

This is a picture of the Parkchester Oval taken in 1956. The Oval, at Unionport Road and Metropolitan Avenue, was the center of the Parkchester development in the NE Bronx (177th Street stop on the IRT Pelham Bay Line). The picture shows several of the statues squirting water in the air into the pond, with some typical Parkchester apartment buildings in the background. There were benches around the Oval and trees, flowers, bushes, etc., a beautiful oasis amid the concrete surroundings.

--Alan L., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Graduation day at the RKO Chester Theatre, for Frank D. Whalen JHS 135, June, 1961. I'm on the left (front, foreground) wearing glasses, in graduation gown, standing under the El near the RKO Chester. On the right (front, foreground) is Joel (Iskowitz?), of PS 96 "Floorless Cab" fame. I cannot identify any of the other people. But I do love that gorgeous 1961 Pontiac (Bonneville?) behind me. I was experiencing mixed emotions, because on this the happiest day of my life, I also knew that I would soon be leaving the Bronx, and that made me miserable.

--Azar "Ace" Attura

This was a snowstorm on Pelham Parkway December 1959, taken from the 3rd floor of 615 Pelham Parkway. Bronx River Parkway is in the background. The trucks would be stuck on Pelham Parkway for a couple of days whenever there was a blizzard. Although it was miserable for the truck drivers, at least the perishables in those trucks were too frozen to perish. On-ramp for Bronx River Pkway is at the lower right hand side of photo. Tennis court, baseball diamond and also Bronx Farm-In-The-Zoo are somewhat visible beyond the trees, background, left.

--Azar "Ace" Attura

This was taken in late March of 1960 standing in the park near the 601 block of Pelham Parkway, on the way to Pelham Bay (by bus). White Plains/Boston Post Road is in the background, as is the Pelham Parkway El Station. Behind that gorgeous white 1958 Pontiac is the little house that served as a Comfort Station to all the tour buses (and some of the Pelham Parkway bus drivers too)-- the PPkway bus driver would casually stop his bus, get out, and leave the bus running while the passengers twiddled their thumbs waiting for him to come back; wonder of wonders -- no one ever took off with the bus.

--Azar "Ace" Attura

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