Photo Gallery - Page 13

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This is a photo of my grandfather in the back of a truck on a war bond drive, June 21, 1942. It was taken at the intersection of the Grand Concourse and 188th Street. You can see the Jerome Avenue El in the background.

--Richard Keane

Two good friends, Charlie Addarrio and Freddy Rau, singing on the corner of Mayflower and Buhre Avenues. The large apartment house in the background is the Buhre Arms (2860). The Pelham Bay elevated train is to the right of the building. This picture was taken in 1957.

--Ray Fitzgerald

This was the corner of White Plains Road and McGraw Avenue, taken around 1969. You can see the Pelham Bay IRT el in the background. The picture shows all of us hanging out, probably on a Saturday afternoon.

--Jim Barone

Editor's Note: The guard rails just behind the kids would be for the Cross Bronx Expressway below.

This photo, taken in 1942, is of my mother in front of the then-new building at 1230 Teller Avenue at 168th Street. It is diagonally across from P.S. 53, where I attended First through Fourth Grade, from 1950-54. Kindergarten was so full I had to wait until I could go to First Grade. We sat two to a desk, one text book between us, in classes that had over 40 pupils. Contrary to the popular myths of today, we had no trouble learning. Sixty years later (click to see), in October 2002, the iron fence is still there.

--Rip Green, Boca Raton, FL

Editor's Note: This is an excellent example of a 'Then and Now' pair of images.

This picture was taken in 1942, on the east side of the Concourse, looking south (past my brother with his tongue out). You can see the luncheonette on the north corner where the man in the fedora is reading the paper. On the south side of 167th Street, the Kent Theater was just to the left of the Dolly Madison (ice cream parlor?) on the corner.

--Rip Green, Boca Raton, FL

In 1946, looking west on East 167th Street, between Morris and Grant Avenues. The buildings on the Grand Concourse can be seen at the top of the hill, in the background. There was a Spotless Cleaners and a liquor store to the right of where my brother (in the snowsuit) is standing.

--Rip Green, Boca Raton, FL

Here's a 1948 shot from Teller Avenue and 168th Street, looking across the schoolyard towards Findlay Avenue. P.S. 53 is just to the left. That's me, my father and my brother. Note that tricycle with streamlined fenders.

--Rip Green, Boca Raton, FL

Winter, 1946; my brother riding his toy Mack Truck in the huge P.S. 53 schoolyard, facing Findlay Avenue. The building with the canopy was 1257(?) Findlay Avenue. The toy was based on the 1920's Mack trucks with chain-drive and solid rubber tires that I remember delivering coal through the 50's and working the Manhattan docks into the mid-60's.

--Rip Green, Boca Raton, FL

"Claremont Park Aug 7, 1947" is written on the back of this picture. My brother (on the right) and I are sitting outside a giant sand box, with the apartment buildings on East 170th Street (east side of the Park), visible in the background.
Neil Rosenberg adds: The four buildings in the background to the East are - from left to right - 1420,1402, 1398 and 1396 Clay Avenue, where 170th Street stops at the top of the hill at the eastern entrance to Claremont Park. The white building, 1420, housed Levy's Candy Store in 1947. It then became Cohen's in the mid fifties and then Johnson's in the early seventies.

--Rip Green, Boca Raton, FL

I took this photo back in the 70's on a visit to the old neighborhood. It's a street scene of East 150th Street between Morris and Park Avenues. This street no longer exists as the buildings were demolished to make room for the Lincoln Hospital complex. The view is from the southeast corner of Morris Avenue and 150th Street looking east towards Park Avenue. In the background is the U.S. Post Office building which contains the wall murals created during the WPA era.

--Settimo DiDonato

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