The Bronx Board has recently acquired a few hundred additional class pictures from 1950 through 1970. Be sure to look for yours and order a print to show your loved ones at our Class Picture Gallery.
Recent Bronx Board developments:
The Bronx Board is now in its 30th Year online. Thanks for visiting and supporting our Bronx heritage!
NEW!NEWS OF THE BRONX We've started a collection of random Bronx-related news clippings from the past for you to enjoy. Expect it to grow on a regular basis. Here is the first batch of little clips from News of the Bronx.
Apparently, Webster Avenue locations are unfamiliar to our audience, as two in a row have not been correctly identified. To that end, we'll offer a spot you should easily recognize. MYSTERY PHOTO 216 is unusual, unique and beautiful, yet sadly, many Bronxites have never been there.
After a five-year hiatus, our BRONX DIARY has been revived with a bittersweet memory of Little League nepotism by frequent contributor Myles Schulberg.
Thanks to Joe Panzarella for a trio of photos of East 138th Street, taken from his Mom's window, available for viewing in our ever-growing PHOTO GALLERY. If anyone can identify the elevated structure in thos photos, we'd love to hear from you.
The problem with accessing the NEIGHBORHOOD WALLS OF FAME has been fixed, so those of you who asked can finally go and memorialize your neighborhood, friend, or loved one.
Our Neighborhood Walls of Fame await your message, dedication, memorial, or plain old graffiti. PLEASE HELP US FILL THEM UP!
Help your fellow former Bronxites find their old friends! Check the Missing Persons List regularly. If you know the whereabouts of someone on the list, email the person who entered the name.
Keep in mind:
Click on the "street signs" along the side of this page to access the various features of this site.
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