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St.Barnabas and St.Simon Stock will not be reopening in the fall.
Not sure if there are any left?

Reference ID: bx92411

That would leave Cardinal Hayes, Mt. St. Michael, All Hollows and Monsignor Scanlon (all male) along with Cardinal Spellman and St. Helena's (both Co-Ed) still standing. Am I missing any?
St. Ann's Parish had a grammar school, closed in 2017, merged with St. Brendan's. Now St. Brendan's & Ann's Parish has ceased grammar school as well. Changing times!

Reference ID: bx92414

St.Barnabas HS

Reference ID: bx92424

Fordham Prep (male)and Mt Saint Ursala, St Catherine and Preston (all female)

Reference ID: bx92426

Prep's still open.

Reference ID: bx92427

Holy Spirit.......................I attended elementary school PS 26 on University and Andrews Avenue and the
Catholic students were excused one day a week for time to go to Holy Spirit which was across the street. I heard it was closing

Reference ID: bx92431

Sorry, it was Holy Family that closed.......................................

The closures impact schools in Manhattan, the Bronx and one in Staten Island. Here is a list of schools that will be closing their doors:

Academy of St. Paul & St. Ann, Manhattan
Ascension School, Manhattan
Guardian Angel School, Manhattan
Holy Family School, Bronx
Immaculate Conception School, Manhattan
Immaculate Conception School, 760 E Gun Hill Rd, Bronx (the Immaculate Conception School on 151st Street operated by Partnership Schools is NOT impacted by the closings)
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Manhattan
Santa Maria School, Bronx
St. Angela Merici School, Bronx
St. Brendan School, Bronx
St. Christopher School, Staten Island
St. Margaret Mary School, Bronx

Reference ID: bx92433

my mistake. It was Holy Family that closed

Reference ID: bx92434

Barbara Holy Spirit school has been closed for quite some time now and is some sort or school for social justice. A few years back a few alumni approached the Parish Monsignor about having a mass said in the church followed by a reunion in the school gym/auditorium and they were roundly rebuffed and admonished by the Monsignor for not having been financially supportive of the school to prevent its closing. I'm sure if he'd been more receptive and carried through on the idea the alumni certainly would have made a generous donation to the church. He could have fostered a sizeable pool of alumni for future charitable donations for years to come, what a waste opportunity.

Anyhow the reunion was held at a venue on McLean Avenue in Yonkers and a good time had by all.

Reference ID: bx92435

Richard, I was referring to the Catholic schools in the Bronx that are still open.

Reference ID: bx92436

Then I wasn't mistaken. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember reading that it closed but
when I saw the list of closures and it wasn't on it, I figured I mixed it up with another school.

I hope the Bronxboard doesn't go the way of Manhattan and Queens. Reunions are just one part
of it.......there's so much on this board........I know about the other Bronx related boards, but this
is so rich in many categories and photos too.

Reference ID: bx92439

It is very sad to see all the school closings. My school was St Helena for 12 years. It is now called Msgr Scanlan HS and it is still going very strong. Each year we get a report of all the list of former students who send money to keep it going. I'm sure it has many good years ahead. In fact in 2023 one of my classmates,a 1959 graduate, left $ 500,000. to the school in his will. He died in 2023.

Reference ID: bx92441

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