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Yes, of course I know politics are tabu. here...........I'm only asking if your families
were political....if your families influence affected the way you believe today.
My grandparents and everyone else lived very, very close to us in the west
Bronx.............all holidays were at my grandparents on Grand Avenue.

My parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles and cousins all voted the same way.
So when we got together for the holiday there were no political arguments or
even discussions. I still vote the same way

Reference ID: bx92405

My father was an armchair voter. I do recall walking with my mother to PS 54, to vote. I was 4 years old. My recollection's of seeing people entering & closing the curtain while we awaited our turn. The memory of us in the booth is photo etched in my mind! I am fairly certain she pushed the lever for JFK! It was beyond my ability to fathom what was taking place in those booths. The fact that I would shortly re-visit the same location for kindergarten helped me retain those memory I am sure! I don't how other family members voted at the time. At home or in company, I do not recall any discussions on politics, but I think my parents had too much on their hands to engage or entertain political views. I will have to ask my older brother if he recalls the family watching the JFK/Nixon debate on TV. In high school, "The Making of a President" was required reading!

Reference ID: bx92406

My father used to work for a polling company. I remember the 1960 election. It was his job to get exit polls from voters, and get that info to the company ASAP so they could get it to the news stations. Of course, there were no cell phones then. It was my mother's job that day, (and by extension my job) to hold the pay phone booth open and available in the Bedford Park Blvd IND train. That apparently was the nearest pay phone to the polling place my father was assigned to. I remember standing in that booth with my mother who was pretending to be on the phone and making faces to the people getting out of the station.

Reference ID: bx92408

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