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Hi. The only bookstore I remember in the Bronx in the 60s was Bookmasters on the Concourse near Alexanders. There was none in my neighborhood (Reservoir Oval). Were there other bookstores anywhere in the Bronx back then?

Reference ID: bx92781

The guy who managed that Bookmasters store was removed because of complaints of abuse from the girls who worked there, including a friend of my sister.

Reference ID: bx92782

Later on, there was a Barnes and Noble in Co-op City Before that, there might have been another Bookmasters in Co-op City.

Reference ID: bx92783

Prior to the 1960's the only bookstores in the Bronx may have been on the various college campuses. We read the books which were in the public libraries. There may have been a practical economic reason for this. The European born were not into reading the novels written in English and their children had no money to buy them. There were some Lending Libraries around where you rented a book to take home to read.

Reference ID: bx92784

There was one on Broadway just south of 230st next to Tynans hardware.There were twn on Kingsbridge Rd. Roberts Book Store and another further East next to the Towers restaurant.

Reference ID: bx92785

There was a bookstore on Riverdale Ave until fairly recently (Last 20 years or so) I don't remember the name though, sorry.

Reference ID: bx92787

Reservoir Oval...Norwood...Miller's Bookstore on 204th. St. between Hull & Perry Ave's. In the 1960's we had to purchase a few books now & then for classes at St. Brendan's school. They would stock the books we needed as per St. Brendan's request. In the mid 1970's I would buy "Cliffs Notes" for book reports I was too lazy to read in high school. In the mid 1980's I would buy NYC civil service test preparation books for various city job exams. A small mom & pop bookstore, but they seemed to everything you were looking for. If not, they got for you in a few days!

Reference ID: bx92789

There was Lambs' under the el on Fordham.I think it was mostly a text book place.

Reference ID: bx92790

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