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I was watching the news where funds have been appropriated for design and engineering studies to re-join the Bronx neighborhoods that were parted when the X-Bronx was built. We have discussed this in the past on this board. The critique has been brought up in the past on Robert Moses effectively cutting the Bronx in two with this roadway. Seems like this topic is still alive & well today!

Reference ID: bx92630

It's great that Moses is not

Reference ID: bx92631

John, I laughed when I read your response. Robert Moses...hero or villain?
I don't know...I am still on the fence when it comes to the impact of his road networks in the Bronx!

Reference ID: bx92632

Way back when,the cross westchester was being planned.As was the cross BX.The X westchester connects with the tappan zee,and then with the NJ pike.Planning in the late 40s,there were a lot fewer homes to kill in mid westchester than there were in the bronx.The much vaunted new england trucking could and would get south without killing the bronx.

Reference ID: bx92633

I don't get it. This was done so many years ago and the damage was done to so many home owneres and residents who are now probably dead. Now, are they going to invent a new Way to upset the current residents who have learned to live with the CBX ?

Reference ID: bx92634

Kevin, you hit on the irony of it all!
As you say, we are a few generations removed from anyone who can recall what it was like before the CBX.
The push came from the current residents who feel impeded & isolated by the CBX. They never knew anything different as far as what it was like before the CBX was constructed! They put pressure on community leaders that in turn got state (city?) funding to do exploratory studies & designs on "linking" the divide. One design proposal consists of elevated park spaces spread out over a few areas linking the divide, with walkways & bike lanes. No roadways going across these spans, but on/off ramps for autos to access parking areas to these parks spanning the divide!

Reference ID: bx92635

Sounds like a bunch of BS, a boondoggle for elected officials trying to make constiuants believe they are doing something for them. The proposals sound impossible and ridiculous.

Reference ID: bx92636

I like the way you put it. I agree, it's a ruse.

Reference ID: bx92637

My building was torn down for the Cross Bronx Expressway. I can still remember what the Bronx looked like before. I also recall watching it being built and the upset it caused to each neighborhood..and for what? It took only a little more time to get where you were going before it was built. Now it's an ugly scar through a once beautiful borough.

Reference ID: bx92660

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