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Relatives In Same School Return to topicsPost to this topic

When families lived close together you could simultaneously have cousins, brothers, sisters in the same school or class. Elementary school, High School and College. I had siblings and cousins follow after me in Elementary school. In College I had 2 cousins attending at the same time as me. Did anybody have this experience?

Reference ID: bx92396

Yes, but I never thought about it until now or for that matter saw them in school as far as I can remember. They were older cousins thus not in the same classes, we had no friends in common and they lived 5 blocks away from me (which was like in another country).

Reference ID: bx92397

Me, my brother and 6 cousins went to OLA.

Reference ID: bx92399

There were a few cases I remember of kids whose mothers were teachers in the same school, but in those cases the kids were assigned to other teachers' classes.

Reference ID: bx92402

My 4 siblings and 8 first cousins attended St. Brendan grammar school-E.207 th st.

Reference ID: bx92403

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