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It looks to me a lot like 169 St off Grant Ave where my wife grew up. We went back there several years ago and it hadn't changed that much. I don't know what the unwelcome neighbor would be, although it could be a group home for recovering addicts that opened around the corner?

Reference ID: bx92331

The hill looks like West 167th in Highbridge. The unwelcome neighbor could easily be the Stadium Motor Lodge which was notorious for being a "no-tell-motel." ;-)

Reference ID: bx92332

The building on the left with the flagpole was Tudor Towers on Bryant Avenue, #855. The super was Gustavo. We lived there until 1957.

Reference ID: bx92333

This photo is typical of many Bronx neighborhoods. However, in regards to the not-so-wanted neighbor causing the removal of what is seen in the picture, I believe that this not-so-wanted neighbor was the X-BRONX EXPRESSWAY

Reference ID: bx92334

The Cross Bx Expwy was nowhere near this block. Maybe the Bruckner Expwy which went up in the late 60s?

Reference ID: bx92335

"Try not to let things go too south" is probably a clue so could the unwanted neighbor be the really ugly industrial area at the south end of Hunts Point? My car was stolen in 1969 and it was found abandoned there, completely stripped.

Reference ID: bx92336

Finally a place I can identify without blinking an eye. This is the first block of my life after my parents brought me home from nearby Lincoln Hospital (the original). This is Bryant avenue looking north to what will become the Bruckner Expressway, which I can only assume is the unwelcomed neighbor. We lived just south of the buildings pictured here at 839 Bryant . I remember my mom walking me down this street in my stroller. This street is burned in my memory.

Reference ID: bx92339

When did you live there? We were neighbors.

Reference ID: bx92341

At the south end of Bryant Avenue is the Hunts Point Sewerage Treatment Plant (unwelcome neighbor?) which was built in 1952.

Reference ID: bx92344

839 Bryant avenue. It's not shown in this picture, but it's on this block of buildings to the left.

Reference ID: bx92346

When, not where. I lived there from 1948 until 1957. Did you know Roseann Aquanita? I think she lived in 839.

Reference ID: bx92347

I think the unwelcome neighbor is the Hunts Point sewerage treatment plant at the southern end of Bryant Avenue.

Reference ID: bx92348

I think it's the Hunts Point sewerage treatment center.

Reference ID: bx92351

Sorry my eyes betray me these days, lol. 1960-62. I'd have to ask my mom about your friend.

Reference ID: bx92352

Sorry my 63 year old eyes betrayed me, lol... Ilived there from 1960-62...I'll have to ask my mom about your friend.

Reference ID: bx92355

Phil on the BB photo gallery page 11, photo number 7 is a young girl pictured in front of 839 Bryant avenue. Thought you'd enjoy it.

Reference ID: bx92356

And in that industrial area is the Hunts Point sewerage treatment plant.

Reference ID: bx92357

Oh yes... My mom compalained about frequently... Therewas nasty smell at times coming from there.

Reference ID: bx92363

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