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Fishing on the Bronx Queen Return to topicsPost to this topic

my neighbor was the owner of a boat out of westchester sq
don` remember the boats name his name was bill kraft
does anybody know him

Reference ID: bx92491

My Grandpa took me fishing on the Queen.

Reference ID: bx92483

About 1962 I delievered cases of beer &/or soda to a fishing boat docked at Whitlock ave. It was quite a job going down those many steep steps to the ship carrying 4 cases of beer or soda at a time. I can't rememeber the name of the fishing boat.

Reference ID: bx92474

I believe it was just Apache no Bronx.

Reference ID: bx92473

Many Moons ago I took a party boat out of City Island I believe. It sailed 1/3 of the way out of Long Island Sound. Remember catching Porgies and Black Fish. I believe It was the Bronx Queen or was it the Bronx Apache or some other such name with the Bronx as the first part of the name?

Reference ID: bx92472

Never been on the Bronx Queen though made fishing trips on the Clair I & II. Also went on the Ventura. These boats were located on the Bronx River off Westchester Ave. near the Whitlock Ave. subway station.

Reference ID: bx92471

Fised on the Bronx Queen with my dad for the 1st time in 1968 up until the time it sank in the 80's. It sailed out of a dock on I believe the Bronx River on Westchester Avenue underneath the el. The boat had a storied past as a former World War II sub chaser.

There were a few other party fishing boats that were in this marina o
ne that I remember was the Claire which moved up to City Island.

The Bronx Queens oddessy ended when it hit debris while returning from a Fall fishing trip and sank pretty quickly. Unfortunately two people died as a result.

Last I'd heard a diving company had located the Bronx Queens final resting location and did a salvage dive onto the Bronx Queen. They were able to recover the BQ's bell and other items.

Reference ID: bx92468

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