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Last day of school Return to topicsPost to this topic

Those last few days in school,waiting for that last bell.Those days the schools were hot,and we were hot to trot.Your list covers all the goodies to do.My old man didn't have a car,so my list is smaller.Still,just the freedom felt fine.As Bruce S said"sprung from cages on highway 9,chrome wheeled,fuel injected,and stepping out over the line"I was "out" for 12 years before that song,but the song sums it up

Reference ID: bx92391

Couldn't wait for it. There was always that anticipation of what trips we would take over the summer and when I say trips I'm referring to day trips not vacations. A day at a beach, lake or park BBQ. Endless games of stick ball,skully, captain (box ball) johnny on the pony. An open hydrant to cool off on a scorching summer day was always an unexpected pleasure.

Reference ID: bx92390

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