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Barbara I'm with you on that too!!! The JOY I felt when I first encountered the Bronx BOard (1999) and it not only brought back the beauty of my childhood in the Bronx -- it still bouys me up today!! I have made some incredible lasting friends - all of whom embody the character of the goodness we all encountered in such friends as these when we were all kids as well. I also got to know some of the other neighborhoods and still have the joy of commenting with folks about MY (and their) specific nabe as well !! Altho I occasionally donate I wil make a specific effort to do this each payday. OK folks-- See youse at the Zoo, then Lemon Ice at Arthur AVenue!!!

Reference ID: bx92500

We've got each others' backs, that's for sure.
Thank you EVERYONE for keeping the beauty alive

Reference ID: bx92479

Thank you Pinky

Reference ID: bx92374

The last thing that I ever wanted to do was to make you feel uncomfortable. I wish you had told me sooner. I looked forward to your posts because they were so helpful to everyone. Of course I will stop responding to your posts now. I am so sorry.

Reference ID: bx92373

The last thing that I ever wanted to do was to make you feel uncomfortable. I wish you had told me sooner. I looked forward to your posts because they were so helpful to everyone. Of course I will stop responding to your posts now. I am so sorry.

Reference ID: bx92372

You are making me very uncomfortable...........all your compliments whenever I post.
This is going on over a year or two.

Reference ID: bx92369

You are making me very uncomfortable...........all your compliments whenever I post.
This is going on over a year or two.

Reference ID: bx92368

I'm here every day. I don't post all that oftern but I do come to read all the memories posted. BTW, I am born, bred and still in the BEAUTIFUL BRONX!

Reference ID: bx92367

Well said. As long as you are here, I'm here.

Reference ID: bx92366

I know there are other Bronx sites........I know there are groups on FB.....I even belong to some................I was raised in the Bronx but I did lived in Brooklyn for decades and have been posting to keep it alive but it's dying. Manhattan and Queens are done. Please don't let the Bronxboard go. There are so many wonderful that are so meaningful to us..........just on and on.....please keep on posting. And donating when you can.

Reference ID: bx92365

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