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Re: More Catholic HS closings

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Posted by Chris on Friday, July 5th 2024:

In Reply to: Re: More Catholic HS closings posted by Barbara on Friday, July 5th 2024:

Barbara Holy Spirit school has been closed for quite some time now and is some sort or school for social justice. A few years back a few alumni approached the Parish Monsignor about having a mass said in the church followed by a reunion in the school gym/auditorium and they were roundly rebuffed and admonished by the Monsignor for not having been financially supportive of the school to prevent its closing. I'm sure if he'd been more receptive and carried through on the idea the alumni certainly would have made a generous donation to the church. He could have fostered a sizeable pool of alumni for future charitable donations for years to come, what a waste opportunity.

Anyhow the reunion was held at a venue on McLean Avenue in Yonkers and a good time had by all.

Reference ID: BX92435


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