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Apartment living vs Private Return to topicsPost to this topic

I grew up in a very small apartment. I never aspired to a house. When, as a "grownup", we bought one, I found myself aching for the meet-ups in the elevator or by the mailboxes. It was lonely that house. And, how could trick or treating in a fancy neighborhood compare with the multitude of families you had right there without even having to put on a coat or go outside? It couldn't! Apartment living!

Reference ID: bx92457

Hey Kevin,
50 50 I would say. I grew up on the fifth floor (no elevator) Apt. Had lots of friends all around the neighborhood. Two family houses, prewar buildings etc.
My dad's best friend, a WW2 army buddy had a house in Auburndale, Queens off Utopia Parkway. "Uncle Joe" as I called him, had two kids near my age, and an above ground swimming pool set up. Although the house sat on a "postage stamp sized" backyard I thought it was great to visit in the summertime.
I know my dad couldn't afford a house, but I still liked my old apartment. Miss Mom and Dad and the old apartment to this day.

Reference ID: bx92454

Barbara, you nailed it in all it's advantages! Growing up in an Apartment building, Yes!

Reference ID: bx92450

My 2 cents is that those who lived in the apartment houses were getting a great workout for their health each day. I'm sure those stairs did a lot to keep them going into their later years. My mom lived on the second level of 2 family homes for over almost 80 years. Finally she was on the ground floor of her last apartment and died after a few years.

Reference ID: bx92442

While apartment living did have advantages walking up and down 5 flights of stairs several times a day was a big negative although as a youngster I never gave it a 2nd thought. For older folks though it must've been a drag especially with groceries and laundry.

Reference ID: bx92429

I'm glad we weren't rich and could only afford a tiny three room apartment.
I had instant friends.......rainy days we played in each other's apartment....we
had a roof for sunbathing when we didn't go to Orchard Beach......door to door
for Halloween goodies, but most of all friendships and neighbors looking out
for us....and so much more.
People in the suburbs had to be driven everywhere...friends were more like
having playdates and you couldn't walk to the subway to go downtown which
we did at a very early my vote is for apt living

Reference ID: bx92425

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