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Did your mom have a paying job Return to topicsPost to this topic

Once my sister and I were in school full time, my mother always worked.

Reference ID: bx92444

My mom and aunt Liz both worked in the student cafeteria on the NYU campus.

Reference ID: bx92430

YEs...from Alexander's to a job in the city - full time. My dad also worked in what we now call soho. But
once we worked in the same building. I had a job on Hudson St. and so did he. That was pretty special

Reference ID: bx92421

My old man wasn't the best when it came to come up with the "Table Money".You know ,the day to day cash Mom needed to run the house,So somewhere around 1962 ,mom started to work full time.I don't believe that any of my friends Moms had to do this.Hoe about your folks

Reference ID: bx92417

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