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The day I turned eighteen I was in Navy Boot Camp. I got my draft card when I was twenty-one. Boy did they ask why I was so late in registering and I told them I was in the Navy at seventeen. That was on Gerard Avenue.

Reference ID: bx92413

Did the same. June 3, 1963. Left school that day. Jumped on the Jerome Ave. train and went to my draft board on Gerard Avenue. Proudly brought my birth certificate, which they stamped and signed so I could use it until I received the "official" card in the mail. Went directly to our local bar, Angie's at Kingsbridge Rd. and Bailey Ave., and Had my first "legal" beer. And to think, only a few years after that guys were actually burning their draft cards. I still have mine.

Reference ID: bx92398

Hey guys,when you turned 18,did you hi-tale it to your draft board.Yes I I had proof when I went to my local gin mill.Ah ! smart little buggers those draft boards were.A few years later,my ass paid the price when Sam shipped off to NAM.Such is life

Reference ID: bx92395

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